Singing Guide: Glenn Packiam

Singing Guide: Glenn Packiam

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How To Sing Like Glenn Packiam

Glenn Packiam is a well-known singer and songwriter whose unique voice is characterized by his ability to hit and sustain high notes. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Glenn Packiam.

Glenn Packiam Style

One of the defining features of Glenn Packiam's singing style is his breathtaking falsetto and head voice. His voice is also known for its smooth resonance and control over his pitch. To learn singing like Glenn Packiam, you must train your falsetto and head voice.

Developing Your Head Voice and Falsetto

To develop your head voice and falsetto, you need to practice regularly. You can use Singing Carrots' Pitch Training game to help you train your pitch. The game is designed to improve your pitch accuracy while you sing along to simple melodies.

Another helpful exercise to develop your falsetto and head voice is the vocal exercises on Singing Carrots' Warm-up routine. Glenn Packiam has a great control of these two registers, singing in his falsetto, then transitioning smoothly into his head voice, with ease and fluidity.

Glenn Packiam Technique

Glenn Packiam, unlike most contemporary singers, sings in mostly the classical style, and his technique is greatly influenced by the classical singing style. He has developed his own style which incorporates classical training with contemporary songwriting.

Glenn Packiam uses a technique known as 'voce chiusa' or 'closed voice' phonation where the singer limits their airflow slightly by dropping their larynx slightly and closing the vocal cords more when singing. This technique helps him to produce resonance, control, and sustain in his singing.

Glenn Packiam Songs

Glenn Packiam's music is a unique blend of worship, rock, classical and indie genres. If you want to learn how to sing like Glenn Packiam, you can start by learning any of his popular songs, such as "My Savior Lives", "Holy Holy Holy", "Mystery of Faith", and "The Lord Our God". When you listen to Glenn Packiam closely, you will notice that he takes meticulous care of his vowels, which are key to developing an open and resonant sound.

Practical Advice

To develop your singing skill set, Singing Carrots' educational beginners' course is available which covers singing theory and practical tips. Furthermore, Singing Carrots' songbook creates your performance set and provides you with linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio. You can also use the search songs feature to find songs and artists that fit your vocal range and preferences.


Singing like Glenn Packiam requires hard work and dedication but by incorporating the right technique and training into your singing practices, you can sing in Glenn Packiam's style. Remember to practice your head voice and falsetto regularly, study Packiam's unique 'voce chiusa' technique, and put into action the practical advice and resources Singing Carrots offers.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.